Everyone always asks how long Billy & I have been together & it’s always the hardest question I have to answer...
How do you explain that you haven’t been with someone consistently for 11 years, but you have loved them every day since then. We all know it just took Billy a little bit longer than others to fully grasp that concept (;
Let’s go back to freshman year of high school...
Billy had decided to randomly add me on snapchat one day & ask me to wear his friends football jersey on a Friday. I politely declined, but then he decided to turn the tables and ask me to wear his jersey instead .. somehow this started it all.
We were dating for quite awhile around this time..
High school sweethearts that just took quite a few more attempts to figure that out than most.
Attempted for a short lived couple of weeks.. Thanks William <3
Attempted yet again for a VERY short lived couple of weeks at the beginning of the year..
Thanks yet again William…knew you would get it together eventually (;
Attempted YET AGAIN at the end of the year & hid it from everyone for a few months…sorry mom .. love you <3
FINALLY knew he had come around & “announced” that we were back together.. little did I know where this would take us.
Billy was basically staying with me down in Bloomington at college every single day.
The year we were really put to the test.
We ended up getting our sweet Asher boy and moving into an apartment together down in Bloomington at college. He would commute an hour & 1/2 to work every single day..
We then ended up moving back towards home and I would commute an hour to college. Little did we know our worlds were about to be flipped upside down…
We ended up finding the biggest news of our lives a week before I graduated college & going into the new year.
I started my first “big girl job” since graduating college & we started the adventure into becoming parents. Oaklynn also decided to make her grand appearance into the world in the most dramatic and scariest way (who would expect anything less from her!).
But we made it through the difficult postpartum healing, & we made it through the newborn phase.. continuing to fight for & love each other always.
We continued to adapt into our new lives of becoming parents, enjoying every milestone & holding each other up through every struggle. We moved yet again & our sweet girl turned ONE. Billy also decided to FINALLY! pop the question while at the Jack’s Pumpkin Pop Up in Chicago <3